Fitness Class

Fitness Class

Join us!

Special Needs Fitness Class

Virtual class, on Skype

  • Instructor-led fitness training.

  • Injury-prevention-focused instructor works with misalignments and specific muscle groups.  

  • No skill or experience required. All are welcome.

  • Friendly, fun and safe activities.

  • Family member participation encouraged.


Pay online through using the donate button below at the end of each month.
Scholarships available for qualifying students.

Fitness Class Schedule

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Via Skype

To join send a text to Abdel (951) 526-4593, include name and email.
He will include you in the link to join.
Must be received by Sunday for Tuesday class.

Abdel has been a personal Fitness Trainer for 40 years and is currently an adapted Physical Education Coach for the Charter Schools in our area for 8 years. He has trained athletes for all types of sports competition developing the mechanics of proper physical form, musculature and injury prevention.

He is very aware that special needs are not adequately addressed and has made it his mission to change this. In this class he adapts the activity for the abilities of the students and works with misalignments and specific muscle groups in a friendly, fun and safe activity. Students build social skills and friendships. He encourages family members to participate in helping the student with the activity. He is also trained in nutrition and weight management and can provide advice on these issues.

For more information:

Contact Margaret by text or email
(951) 303-7892

Or contact Jodi by text or email
(951) 205-5347